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tv   NBC Bay Area News at 11  NBC  March 7, 2013 11:00pm-11:35pm PST

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found. >> and i said you are the last person. what happened? >> reporter: police say they're interested to find out more with anyone who was with him when he was stabbed. >> what were they doing with him? were they trying to squeeze himt financially? obviously the person we have in custody is going to give a statement and what led up to this. >> just how long he was inside the apartment will be released. >> this is san jose's second deadly stabbing in as many days. we have more information about yesterday's stabbing. police now say it's not gang re-related. the victim appears to be a young man, possibly in his teams, was found at the entrance to gaud lieu pay park. investigators have not made any arrests or recovered any weapons. let's turn our attention to the weather. it caused some havoc.
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the san jose state basketball game was cancelled tonight. the roof was leeking at the events center on campus. the rain, came down fast and caught a lot of people off guard. this is what it looked like earlier tonight. we certainly need this rain, but our forecast is now changing dramatically. rob? >> right now, it's very interesting. it shows the video there in san jose. it was san jose and sunnyvale that picked up about a third of an inch of rain. look at san francisco and oakland. this is mainly a south bay and santa cruz rain event. notice the areas of yellow and orange still from officially areas down toward san jose and down toward the southwest. all of these locations picking up about a third of an inch of rain. livermore seeing some snow. it's pretty interesting about this moisture.
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it's going east to west. if you're going to travel to los angeles tomorrow, that might get shut down. so for the bay area, hour by hour, we'll see widespread moderate rain transitioning to some skaterred showers. i still think areas around san jose and river more may see a few showers earlier in the rain. things are clearing out and warming up big time for the weekend. >> it was an emotional good-bye today for those two fae fallen police officers. >> it was a powerful day filled with tears, a little laughter and respect. we were reminded of the the thin, blue line that sprats criminals from police officers.
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and that a little positive impact can go a long way. >> the flag-draped coffins were placed by two police cars. governor brown and california attorney general. a show of force from across the u.s. and even some from canada. >> he taught me more things than i can count and i know i'm not the only one here who can say that. the legacy will be carried on in our family, in our sons and in the people it would touch. >> it's not just santa cruz police that are feeling the pain. some officers from around the bay area are reflekting on what it was like to lose a fellow officer. nbc bay area joins us in san jose this morning with that story. cheryl?
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it was a tough day for thousands of people today. but it was a tough day for one aurves who can relate. he lost his partner in the line of duty. >> it brings back the memories that day. >> reporter: it was the day the police officer was shot and killed during a bank robbery. >> just seconds after the incident, we have to press on with our duty. >> kerrigan, a 19-year veter ran, was hired around the same time as capu and they worked side-by-side for three years. for him, today's service reminded him of how proud he is to be a police officer. he showed us his badge covered with a black ribbon honoring the
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fallen officers. agencies from all the surrounding areas will appear. >> law enforcement came by the thousand to san jose's hp pavilion to honor sergeants lauren baker and detective elizabeth butler who were killed during an ambush in santa cruz last week. one of the most heartbreaking moments of today's service was when the officer's family spoke. >> i whispered to her that i would take care of her boys. >> reporter: the sergeant left behind loved ones, partners and children. >> it shows how dangerous our jobs are and we are severely undermanned. we're always close, but at times like this, you really see what
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the law enforcement family is made of. >> in the city's history, four police officers have died in the line of duty. live in san jose, i'm cheryl herd, nbc bay area news. >> we mentioned leon pinetta. he said he may never understand what led jeremy to shoot the police officer. >> we do know that he had a history. a history of sexual violence both in and out of the military. and, for whatever reason people somehow always look the other way. >> strong wourds from pinetta. goulet ended with with a plea bargain and an other than honorable discharge. had he been con vikted, he probably would have been in the military for prison for life.
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>> new tonight at 11, teacher layoffs had hundreds of parents and teachers packing at a santa collar ra unified school district tonight. years of mistrust came to a head. he joins us live. otoro, how did things turn out? >> at times, they got kind of contentious out here. they rallied on two main issues. and also, a school board they say has concerns from parents and teachers. think before you pichk. thafgs the rally cry of teachers and parents in the santa clara school district that expressed their worries over layoffs. >> if there was a mass layoff of
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administrators, a lot of them would have the riergt ght to re to the classroom in some fashion. so that's of concern to us. >> there's a tremendous amount of wild rumor. we started a facebook off the blog and it's unfortunately spread like wild fire. we have employee information to that employee who posted it on facebook. >> this was actually a special meeting to talk about aadulthdu education and open enrollment. they took this opportunity to voice their disconsent at the school board which, at first, was met with some resis tense. >> they need latitude. the parents clearly see that
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they're not listening to the feedback that they get. some board members asked numerous questions about the subject of open enrollment. >> you should know how that functions. >> i think part of the difficulty was that some of the board members feel that they should be in charnl ge of and m all of the decisions that happen in the district. we're talking about minutia and things that don't really matter in the lives of our children. >> now, again, this was not a regular school board meeting. it's a pretty big bet that a lot of the concerns over the way the school board does business will come up again. >> okay, aurtoro, thank you.
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>> and she's going to be missed. i'm so sorry. still ahead here at 11:00, we now know what happened near fresno. >> and then a random baggage check leads to a stunning find at a local airport. why one man is under arrest tonight. >> is red wine really good for you? tonight, we may have the answer. back in a moment.
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new details tonight about that deadly lion attack. tonight, we're learning in what happened the moments before cous cous killed the young intern at the cat haven and why
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a simple mistake may have cost ds her her life. >> now, i always had a premonition that i was going to get a call from her one day that those animals had killed her. but i didn't think it would be so soon. >> that i would always cringe when she'd go in the cage. i could never get used to her when she would go in the cage. that always scared me and her mother. >> today, investigators revealed that cous cous went into the cage. the gate of the cage had partially been left open. the lion broke dianna's neck with the swipe of her paw, killing her instantly. >> even though she was only with us for a little over two months, she was part of our family. she made instant friendships with everybody up here. everybody loved her. >> it was another difficult day
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for the staff at the cat haven. investigators revealing that dianna was talking with a coworker in the moments right before she was killed. >> and she did it with joy every day that she worked here. and she's going to be missed. i'm so sorry that had happened. >> it was not a hunger issue with the lion. the lion had been fed prior to that attack. >> the reward money has been doubled. but the home of a richmond police officer was broken into last week and his dogs were poisoned. the pet food company added1 $10,000 reward. $300,000 worth of pot has been seized at the oakland airport. the luggage was headed for a
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plane going to charleston, south carolina. again, an estimated street value of $300,000. >> the clean-up begins tomorrow. san jose will clean up this massive homeless encampment in the morning. the clean-up is expected to cost the city about $25,000. changes are coming to your facebook news feed. the social media giant unvailed news today. they'll be able to stream photos into more organized sections. the makeover will turn news feed into something that looks more like a newspaper tailored to meet the interests of the people in the world.
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>> i really think there's a place in this world where someone can spend the whole gamut and see all of these types of content in one place. >> now, in an attempt to streamline the task, facebook is releasing it in phases. >> all over south bay and still getting a pretty soaking. we'll show you how hard the rain is coming down on the radar. notice the temperatures dropping uf as some cooler and drieler air coming in. 48 in san francisco, 52 in oakland. and the wind is kind of telling a little bit of a story here. the rain has really started to shut down. i thistill think we're going toe
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a few more showers for friday. as we get passed friday, we're going to clear things out and dry things out as high pressure builds in. we could see 70s in the forecast by the time we get to sunday. there's no rain outside. look at the radar. it's just try can. however, as we take you out to the valley, that's where you're getting into some of that moderate rain and into san jose. this is where the yellow and orange continues to show up. this is kind of coming in from the southeast in and around san jose around almonton valley. elevations above 3500 feet, south of liver more, obviously now hamilton is included. a chance of a couple inches of show. so the sky is clear tomorrow. look off to the east around south hamilton.
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taking with it to the south. we will see a slight chance of showers around san jose for the morning. and then for the afternoon, some instability showers on the higher hills here of napa county and then, after that, the slate is clean. the computer model is picking up on that and perhaps into the early partings of your morning commute for the south bay. and then in the afternoon, some isolated showers and then things calm down. we look to the weekend and will see some warming conditions. great news for the ski report. 10 inches of new snow and we'll continue to see snow showers there in the sierra even into early saturday.
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as we can see, temperatures mainly in the upper 50s. low 60s tomorrow, maybe close to 70 by sunday. so some ramdpidly changing conditionings here. sunday, when we lose the hour of sleep, it's going to be pretty outside. we'll have 60s and 70s coming back. some going for mid 70s in the valley. so we've got snow around the hills right now and then maybe mid 70s. >> a potpourri of weather. >> the debatement may fiently be over. there's no ru zej up next. hello?
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the words are going this way-there's no way. oh, the lights came on. isn't technology supposed to make life easier? at chase we're pioneering innovations that make banking simple. deposit a check with a photo.
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pay someone with an email. and bank seamlessly with our award-winning mobile app. take a step forward... and chase what matters. okay, we can say it. cheers. red wine is now officially good for you.
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researchers found that conclusive proof helps combat diseases related to people getting over. a harvard genetics publisher published the study today. researchers hope this will help them design better, anti-ageing drugs. >> the big party for the bridge is right around the corner. some lawmakers suggested charging a $5 fee. that proposal was dropped this week. >> ut's been an interesting outing for sergio romo. dave feldman joins us next. [ male announcer ] it's a rule of nature.
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you don't decide when vegetables reach the peak of perfection. the vegetables do. at green giant, we pick vegetables only when they're perfect. then freeze them fast so they're are as nutritious as fresh. [ green giant ] ho ho ho. ♪ green giant
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there's no subtext... just tacos. yeah, it's our job to make you want it. but honestly... it's not that hard. old el paso. when you gotta have mexican. hi, everybody. i'm dave feldman.
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the jients are playing shorthanded this week. and among the eighth, sergi sergio romo who is proudly representing team mexico. but the closure with some issues on thursday. up a run. one out. nick punto, doubles to left. italy is going to need a mere kal. this guy is playing. he drops the ball. two-run score. romo with a blown save and italy escapes with a 6-5 win. he doubles to left center. both runners score. pablo was 1 officer 5. in the eighth, dominican republic up 6.
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and the dominican republic beats venezuela 9-3. dons are down 2. is going to put back the miss and we are going to head to overtime. in overtime. usf down 2. lmu would ice it with free-throws, winning 61-60 in overtime. our own brody brazil caught up with jaret jack today. and he challenged him to a game of horse. and it went pretty well. >> this is no practice shots. >> this is ridiculous. i think i'm getting hustled right now.
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>> i think i'm getting hustled right now. >> are you sure you don't want to play big? he's billying me right now. >> next up, jeff curry wants to challenge rog to a game now. >> so, tomorrow night, warriors and the houston rockets, correct? yes, houstons won the two prooefgs meets. but jeremy lin, as you know, rog, great athletes come from palo alto high school. >> do you all get together and go to the stake house? >> we do. we do. there's a meeting of former great pali high athletes for the elite. but sometimes they meet and they don't call me. it hurts me feelings.
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yes, that has happened. >> james franco is here for you, too. >> we'll be right back. ♪ roundup
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♪ i want a weed free season, that's how i roll ♪ ♪ so i reach for roundup extended control ♪ ♪ with the all-new, no pump, one-touch wand ♪ ♪ it kills weeds dead and keeps weeds gone ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control ♪ i just spray them weeds, then spray them cracks ♪ ♪ the weeds are gone, and they won't be back ♪ ♪ driveway, patio, i just spray once ♪ ♪ and it's adios weeds for up to four sweet months ♪ [ whip cracks ] ♪ roundup extended control [ male announcer ] roundup extended control ♪ yeha with the new one-touch wand. [ whip cracks ]
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one lucky person in the bay area is now $33 million richer after winning the super lotto. the walnut creek station that sold the winning ticket will receive 165,000 dlarsz. california lottery winners were on hand to put up t-shirts. it is believed to be the biggest jackpot ever won in walnut creek. the winner has until september second to claim that multi-million dollar prize. >> so we don't know who that winner is? >> it could be rob. >> that would be empty.
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walnut creek is seeing the rain south of 580 now. san jose, that's going to last to the early part of tomorrow morning's commute. once you get passed friday, look at that, 60s and 70s in the forecast to finish the weekend. >> looks buchl. >> thanks for joining us tonight. "jay leno" is next. >> bye, bye.
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>> announcer: it's "the tonight show with jay leno," featuring rickey minor and "the tonight show" band. tonight, jay welcomes -- from "les miserables," oscar-nominated actress anne hathaway, nbc news anchor lester holt, the music of eli young band
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and "magic clerk." and now, jay leno! [ cheers and applause ] captions paid for by nbc-universal television captions by vitac ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> jay: thank you very much! welcome to "the tonight show." thank you. thank you very much. well folks, in just 25 minutes, we celebrate valentine's day. how about that? [ cheers ]
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or as manti te'o calls it, april fool's day. [ light laughter ] as you know, valentine's day is named after st. valentine. do you know who he was? he was the patron saint of sexual extortion. [ laughter ] and did you know this? listen to this. we live in a free country, but valentine's day is banned in iran. they banned valentine's day. so, you can tell guys are running that country. yeah. [ laughter ] that's right. get out of here. a lot of romance surveys in the paper today. according to this latest one, 65% of both men and women said they would be disappointed if they did not have sex on valentine's day. and 100% of the women said they're most likely to be disappointed either way. yeah. so, same thing. so, yeah. either way. [ cheers and applause ] >> rickey: come on, jay. come on! >> jay: and listen to this. men are expected to spend over $4 billion -- >> rickey: ouch.


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